Are you here for the first time?


Cultivate the habit of talking with the saviour when you are alone. When you are walking and when you are busy with your daily labour. Let the heart be continually uplifted in silent petition for help for light for strength, for knowledge. Let every breath be a prayer.




There can no longer be any doubt among informed people, that in any country where smoking and drinking is (and has for a considerable period been) a common practice, it is a major and certainly removable cause of ill-health and premature death. Moreover, the introduction and extension of smoking and drinking habits in countries where it is not yet established will certainly be followed by similar effects there. The threat to many developing countries is immediate and serious.



This is a book on the singles. There are three types of singles addressed in this book; the single parents once married, the single parents who were officially married but fathered or mothered children and the singles who are not yet married but are adults. The aim of this book is to break the silence that existed in the Adventist Church (and I believe in other Christian denominations) on the singles and more so the single parents (widows, divorcees, separated, deserted, etc).

while this book is not a detailed one, definitely it will be a strong starting point on helping this neglected group in our congregations. I pray that all who get this copy will have a heart and desire to assist the single parents in all positive ways possible.


Pastor Festus Njagi has worked with the Seventh-day Adventist Church, formerly East African Union as the Ministerial Secretary and Family Life Director. He held the office for over 12 years. Before joining the East African Union Office, Elder Njagi had worked for the same denomination in different capacities. He worked as a local District Church Pastor (Kirinyaga and Nyeri), secondary school teacher and headmaster, Central Kenya Conference, Departmental and Executive Director and Kamagambo College Chaplain and teacher at the Ministerial Class in the same College.


As for his Christian background, Pastor Njagi was born to a non-Christian parents. In 1960, he began attending the Catholic Church, the only church in his sub-location by then. In 1969 he was baptized in the same Church and continued to be an active member there till 1974 when he accepted the Seventh-day Sabbath as the Lord’s day. He was again baptized as a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in December 1977.

Elder Njagi holds a Bachelors Degree in Theology from Bugema University, (then Bugema Adventist College) Uganda, 1983 and MA in Pastoral Ministry, Andrews University (Solusi Campus) 1994. He has authored several other books. The Most famous are Preaching made Simple, Building Strong and Happy Couples, Common Questions on Courtship, Marriage and Family Life, When the two become one flesh (Biblical view of Sex and Sexuality), Pastors and Elders Guide. His most recent books are Ministry to the Singles, A Digest on family matters and New Testament Digest.


A Daily Devotional Book

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